Let me introduce myself: I am Arianna.

Since I was a child, the world of threads has fascinated me greatly. The stories (Is contus) of the elderly in my family and neighborhood secretly nurtured this passion of mine. The tales of the Janas, who spun and wove our days and seasons into precious fabrics as delicate as air, could not leave my dreamy soul indifferent. My grandmother used to sew clothes for me and the other girls in the family, and I would spend entire afternoons studying the movements of her hands, skillfully folding the fabrics and giving shape to our desires. Hungry for knowledge, I always asked her to learn how to make clothes for my dolls, leaving nothing to chance. Her gestures marked my entrance into the world of the art of craftsmanship, a world that called me insistently and to which I felt I belonged. As I grew up, what many considered a simple curiosity became my life. In fact, it is precisely my childhood interest in the sewing world that led me to discover the fascinating world of weaving.